Chaos Knights: War Dogs (Games Workshop)

1 599 Kč
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Sada War Dogs frakce Chaos Knights do hry Warhammer 40000 od Games Workshop obsahuje dva modely sestavitelné jako Karnivores, Brigands nebo Stalkers.


Detailní informace

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Pro koho?

  • Pro nadšence do Warhammeru hrající za Chaos Knights, který touží po tomto giga modelu na své bojiště

Text výrobce:

Just like Imperial Knights Chaos Knights are some of the oldest working technology in existence, unlike Imperial Knights their crews succame to the temptation of Chaos over the centuries. The influence and warping effects of Chaos slowly over time mutated both the crews and the Knights. Many crews have long since died but their souls have fused with Daemons to be locked within shells of their war machines. The Knights themselves are not immune to the touch of Chais also suffering from mutation, spouting claws, flails, and other horrendous weapons to strike terror in the hearts of their foes!


2x War Dogs
Options for Karnivore, Stalker, or Brigand
100mm Round Bases
1x War Dog Transfer Sheet


  • Vydavatel: Games Workshop
  • Modely nejsou složené ani nabarvené.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Chaos Knights
Warhammer 40k - Frakce: Chaos Knights
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